Pukkelpop 2008

Pukkelpop 2008

InformationPukkelpop äger rum i den Belgiska staden Hasselt i augusti varje år. Här blandas friskt mellan olika stilar men de större akterna brukar oftast kunna placeras inom rockgenrén.
2manydjsA BrandA Mountain of OneA-Trak
Alela DianeAmenraAnimal Alpha
ArsenalAs I Lay DyingBenga
Black KidsBlack Light BurnsBlack Mountain
Bloc PartyBlood Red ShoesBob Mould Band
Boys NoizeBritish Sea PowerBrodinski
CaribouCarl CraigChase & Status
Chrome HoofCOEMCold War Kids
Creature With The Atom BrainCrookersCrystal Castles
Cult of LunaDan DeaconDan Deacon and Jubilee
Dan Le Sac vs Scroobius PipDanko JonesDas Pop
De Jeugd Van TegenwoordigDeadmau5 (live)Diplo
Dirty Pretty ThingsDisco EnsembleDJ Friction
DJ Hype & Daddy EarlDJ MehdiDoes It Offend You, Yeah?
Dr. LektroluvDrive-By TruckersDropkick Murphys
Dusty Kid (live)EditorsEl Guincho
ElbowEpicaEtienne de Crecy (live)
Flying LotusFreaky AgeFuck Buttons
Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly.Girl TalkGirls in Hawaii
Hadouken!Have HeartHeadman
HeadphoneHenry Rollins (spoken word)Hercules And Love Affair
Hi Fi Handgrenades and One Night OnlyHigh Contrast + MC WrecHoly Fuck
Hot ChipIan BrownInfadels
Iron & WineJamie LidellJoan As Police Woman
Joe Lean and The Jing Jang JongJubileeJunkie XL
Kaizers OrchestraKid HarpoonKid Sister
Killswitch EngageKitty, Daisy & LewisKlaxons DJ Set (Jamie Reynolds)
Lady Linn and Her Magnificent SevenLate Of The PierLe Le, Motek
LeilaLemon en RoadburgLightspeed Champion
Little DragonLos Campesinos!Louis XIV
Lykke LiM83Manic Street Preachers
Martina Topley-BirdMaxNormalMenomena
Mercury RevMeshuggahMetallica
MGMTMichael Franti and SpearheadMidnight Juggernauts
Miss Kittin & The Hacker (live)MonzaMoveis Coloniais de Acaju
MxPxNeurosisNina Nastasia
OneRepublicOperator PleaseOperator Please,
PendulumPete & The PiratesPivot
Plain White T´sRadioclitRed Light Company
Ricardo VillalobosRobynRóisín Murphy
Sam SparroSamim and Miguel Toro (Percussions) liveSantogold, Modeselektor & Pfadfinderei
SebastiAnSerj TankianShackleton
Sigur RósSimian Mobile Disco (live)Sons And Daughters
SoulflySoulwaxState Radio
Stephen MarleyStereo MC´sStereophonics
SurkinSwitchThe Black Box Revelation
The Bloody BeetrootsThe BreedersThe Casualties
The Count & Sinden (live)The CribsThe Dodos
The Dresden DollsThe DøThe Flaming Lips
The FutureheadsThe GermansThe Gutter Twins
The HeavyThe Hickey UnderworldThe Killers
The LikeThe NationalThe Ocean
The Pigeon DetectivesThe ShoesThe Subs and The Rones.
The SubwaysThe SwordThe Ting Tings
The UnseenThe WhipThe Wombats
Those Dancing DaysTim VanhamelTindersticks
TocadiscoTokyo Police ClubTricky
TunngTV aka The JunkiesTwo Gallants
Uffie & FeadzVolbeatWe Are Scientists
White LiesWitchcraftXX Teens
Year Long DisasterYeasayerYelle
Yuksek (live)
Datum2008-08-14 - 2008-08-16
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Köp bussbiljetterSwebus Express
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Hitta ett jobb hos LeoVegas